Saturday, January 8, 2011

First week of year down...............

Well our first week of the new year is down and gone. Big things have already started taking place for us. I had my surgery on Monday, things went well. Had a little set back with the medicine but feeling so much better. School started back up Wednesday and it took just a few hours but I think we have headed to the right direction with that. It's always hard after having a nice long break to jump back in with both feet. Bubby started his ABA Therapy which we have been fighting for for a year so we are so glad to have that. He was a bit worried about going but after day one they had him sold on it. :} Just another way of getting him around other kids and away from me if only for a few hours a week. He gets to go 12 hours a week. That's kinda nice to starting offwith. I'm really hoping this second half of the school year goes smoother then the first. With all Bubby's appointments I think we have made the right decision on home schooling him, well both children. He does the four days a week of ABA, then he sees a really wonderful doctor just for his Aspergers. Dr. Thede. She is a blessing to us. Her son is 31 and has Aspergers as well so she understands so much that Bubby is going through. She also sees Hannah. We thought that it would be nice to have Hannah talk with someone because he does have a lot going on and she feels she gets the short end of the stick at times. I would have to agree with her. Tricare does not pay for it but worth having someone that knows from many points where Hannah is coming from.. And it helps that she can say what she wants and no one will know but her and the doctor. I feel good knowing she is able to express herself. All together Bubby has seven doctors and Hannah has two.
Hannah has her pre-op Monday and surgery on Thursday. We are very lucky daddy got to stay home and will be able to go with us.Once again I've been married to Tommy 18 of his 22 years in and he ahs never asked to be kept back for anything.  The past year I've been so stressed and I think the kids feel that as well. It just makes for a happy end of day when we have daddy with  us. At this point there is not one day except for the 11TH that we have no appointments that we need to go to. Most of them are here in the Springs but Denver isn't too bad of a drive. Very pretty views along the way.
 On the 18Th Bubby's doctors will make the call as to if he has suegery or not. So still asking for prayers. Please! So it's perfect having Tommmy home in case we need to do this. And I also feel more relaxed and sleep a bit easier. But then again it's 1:00 am and everyone is asleep but me. lol It's hard to think about anything but has the tumor grown, will they take it out, what will it intell. So I am really trying to take it day by day and just see what tomorrow brings. It's hard not to get snappy, upset and all the wonderful things your head does to you when all you want is an answer.I am finding that I'm more forgetful then normal but if I have to leave little sticky notes all over the house I will. I learned for a friend here, about keeping a notebook that has everything in it. I have copies of copies in there, his MRI cd's from before. You name it I have it. But when I go to his appointments it's better then having to say I'll get a copy to you. I keep copies of labs, medicine and just about anything under the sun that has to deal with him, Hannah and my self in it. It is kinda big but really think I'd be lost without it. I can see what dates I have appointments so there is no over booking.
I will let everyone know what time Hannah's surgery with be on the 13TH when we find out Monday! Bubby has a few appointments next week as well. They are doing ultra sounds on his kidneys and bladder to make sure the medicine he is on is not effecting them. We just want (like any parent would) for the tumor to stay the same and no surgery needed and all the side effect from the medicines to stop. In a perfect world everything would be grand, so lets hope for my perfect world to come back and we can wake up from this dream and have no more tumor, epilesy, genetic disorder, aspergers and anything else that has made it into our world to be gone. Hey, a girl can dream right? No more nightly shot's, medicine, trips to ER in the middle of the night. Don't get me wrong I love Bubby forwho he is, but I want him healthy and happy. he is a wonderful boy a mothercould not ask for me. I was blessed twice over whe I had them. Hannah is really helping and trys hard to understand I have to keep telling myself she is 11. But she'll tell you in under twomonths she's be! Well we will update soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend. And Please cll us sometime, we would really love to hear from our family and friends. Good Night!

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